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Air Pollution

Poor air quality is the largest environmental risk to public health in the UK, as long-term exposure to air pollution can cause chronic conditions such as cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, as well as lung cancer.


Just a 0.001 milligram reduction in particulate air pollution in England could prevent over 16,000 strokes and over 50,000 cases of heart disease over 18 years.

We are committed to raising awareness about air pollution among our patients, and doing our bit to help reduce the pollution that we cause.

You can read more about our environmental work on the Sustainability at SCMG page.

Why is it Important?

What Can I Do?

The Clean Air Hub is a useful website with lots of great information about air pollution, including a forecast that can help you make decisions about areas you may wish to avoid on high pollution days.

You can also download a checklist with helpful advice on avoiding and reducing air pollution by clicking the link below.

Local Information