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Sustainability at SCMG

South Coast Medical Group is committed to making a lasting and positive impact on the planet. We believe that responsible business practices and environmental stewardship go hand in hand, which is why we have integrated sustainability into every aspect of our operations.

To find out more about what we’re doing to protect the environment, please read the list below.

Building and Energy Efficiency

  • Smart thermostats control our heating to ensure maximum energy efficiency
  • Timer controlled security lighting is switched off when the building is empty
  • Radiators are turned down where possible
  • Computer equipment is turned off at the end of each day 
  • At the Grove Surgery, all lights are fitted with motion sensors. We are working to implement these at our other locations, where staff take responsibility for switching the lights off when they are not needed
  • All of our newly fitted boilers are rated A for energy efficiency
  • Staff responsible for closing the building at the end of the day undertake a building sweep to ensure all lighting is turned off, and all windows are closed
  • We are currently working through an LED lighting upgrade project


  • We recycle 100% of our used printer toners and cartridges
  • We have battery recycling bins at all of our Surgeries
  • Confidential waste is collected for shredding and all other paper is recycled
  • We have clearly labelled waste bins to optimise waste management
  • We have food recycling bins in all of our kitchens

Digital-First Strategy: A Paperless Approach

  • Digital screens in all of our waiting rooms communicate health information to patients
  • Important messages and events are communicated to staff using digital noticeboards, instead of printed posters
  • Printers are set to print double sided by default
  • Non-confidential documents are reused as notepads where possible
  • Patient communication uses paperless systems, including online forms, where possible 
  • Surgery forms have been reviewed and condensed to reduce paper used when they must be printed

Sustainable Procurement

  • We purchase sustainable office supplies
  • We’re committed to purchasing Fairtrade refreshments where possible
  • We purchase toiletries made from recycled materials
  • We use sustainably-sourced clinical consumables, such as bed-rolls and sick-bowls where possible
  • We provide reusable cutlery, such as knives, forks, plates, and mugs, in our kitchens, instead of using single-use plastic varieties