RCGP Active Practice

We are Accredited Active Practices

Increasing physical activity and reducing sedentary behaviour are crucial factors in improving the health of our nation.

Many of the patients who attend a GP surgery on any given day would benefit from being more active and spending less time being sedentary.

We would encourage all our patients, no matter what their current health to be active and recommend visiting the NHS website to learn about types of exercise, and how it can benefit your specific medical condition.

What You Can Do

There are many ways you can start becoming more active, such as:

  • Discuss with your GP how you can incorporate physical activity into your daily life
  • Work with our Social Prescribers to discover more ways you can improve your health and wellbeing
  • Follow our Social Media where we frequently share ways to become active in the local area
  • Take part in a local Park Run
  • Visit the ActiveDorset website

Certificates of Accreditation