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Clinical Services

Our Teams

Alongside our GPs and Advanced Nurse Practitioners, we also have a number of additional clinicians who are often better suited to provide the care you need. These teams help us improve access for patients and widen the range of services available.

Click below to read more about the various teams with which you might be offered an appointment.

Nursing Team

Practice Nurses are qualified and registered nurses. They can help with health issues such as family planning, healthy living advice, blood pressure checks and dressings.

Our Practice Nurses also run clinics for long-term health conditions such as asthma or diabetes and carry out cervical screenings.

Pharmacy Team

Our Pharmacists are highly qualified experts in medicines who provide a variety of services to our practices. They have become invaluable for prescribing safety, outcomes and overall service quality. One of the main services they offer is a structured review of a patient’s medicines. The objective is to reach an agreement with the patient about their medication plan. They will seek to optimise the benefits of medicines patients are taking, and minimise the number of medication-related problems patients experience.

The Pharmacy Team can also provide further advice and support regarding medicine use. This can include referral to another health care professional if appropriate. Some Pharmacists have completed the independent prescribing course so are able to prescribe directly to patients.

Social Prescribing Team

Our Primary Care Network Social Prescribing Team connects people to community-based support, including activities and services that meet practical, social, and emotional needs that affect their health and well-being. This includes connecting people to statutory services for example housing, financial and welfare advice.

Social prescribing works particularly well for people with mental health needs, who feel lonely or isolated, with long-term conditions and complex social needs.

Digital Care Coordination Team

Digital Care Coordinators support patients and Healthcare Professionals to maximise the potential presented by innovations in digital healthcare technology, and the associated new ways of working.

Our Digital Care Coordinators will identify patients who currently do not use digital channels for healthcare access, and work with patients to improve digital inclusion. They will also work with partner organisations to promote digital inclusion and identify and support patients and groups of patients who are digitally excluded.

Paramedic Team

Our team of experienced Paramedic Practitioners bring a wealth of knowledge and experience with them from the ambulance service. They assess and triage calls from patients and also offer face-to-face appointments, as well as a home visiting service where necessary, for the management of minor illnesses.

Frailty Team

Our Frailty Team comprises of GPs, ANPs, Nurses, Paramedics and HCAs. They work to support patients with a degree of frailty who are at risk of hospital admission and provides anticipatory support with the aim of keeping individuals living as independently as possible and in their own homes.  They are also supported by a Multi-Disciplinary Team who meet regularly to discuss care planning.

Their aim is to improve the management of long-term conditions for patients who are considered to be at risk of future hospital admissions and to anticipate future care needs before they become urgent.