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Vaccinations and Immunisations

Tetanus Boosters

It is recommended that all adults have a tetanus booster every ten years up to a maximum of five in their lifetime. You can arrange an appointment at your convenience with the Practice Nurse.

Pneumonia Vaccinations

Pneumonia vaccinations are undertaken during the autumn free of charge for over 65s. You will receive an invite if you are eligible.

Shingles Vaccine

The shingles vaccine is recommended for some older adults and people with a severely weakened immune system. You are eligible if you are aged 70-79 or if you turned 65 on or after 1 September 2023. You will receive an invite if you are eligible.

Childhood Immunisations

Appointments for childhood immunisations as advised by the health visiting team or the surgery are available at intervals in-line with national guidance.

Travel Vaccinations

Click the link below to find out which vaccinations you’ll need and read more about staying healthy abroad. Once you’ve done this, please fill out the Travel Vaccination Questionnaire, return it to the Surgery and book a travel telephone consultation.

The Practice Nurse will invite you for a face-to-face appointment to administer the vaccines if necessary.

Please allow sufficient time between your travel telephone consultation and your departure date, taking into account that a face-to-face appointment may also be required.

The following travel vaccines are available for free from your GP Surgery.

These vaccines are free because they protect against diseases thought to represent the greatest risk to public health if they were brought into the country.